구정뉴스 | 의회소식 | 정계소식 | 사회/인물 | 문화/교육 | 특집/기획 | 칼럼/사설 | 시론/평론 | 포토패러디만평 | 자유게시판
[ 2024년 04월 29일 월요일 ]  

알리는 말씀

Great news!

등록일: 2024-03-19 08:39:47 , 등록자: bubble00gu

Greetings friend,

I have got some wonderful news for you! Are you aware of notcoin? It‘s a new currency that is about to be available soon. It works on the basis of TON - it‘s a cool technology that makes notcoin secure.

Notcoin is not just currency. It‘s a fun in Telegram, where you can earn notcoin by pressing on a button in the chat. You can also invite teams, complete tasks and climb in the tables.

Notcoin is recommended by some of the best connoisseurs in the world of cryptocurrencies. It has a huge community of loyal fans. And it has many advantages that make it better than other coins.

Some of these pluses are:

- Almost no light goes for getting notcoin compared to other money
- Convenient use through the Telegram platform
- Entertaining and joint activity that motivates engagement

Seems awesome, right? Therefore don‘t lose this offer to join the notcoin phenomenon. What you need is to follow on this link and start your notcoin adventure today!

Link: https://t.me/notcoin_bot?start=r_573790_14883336

Thank you for your attention!

본 게시물에 대한 독자 의견

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의회소식: 광진구의회, ...
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사회/인물: 글로벌골드필 ...
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구정뉴스: 광진구청,광 ...
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광진의 소리 | 이용약관 | 개인정보보호정책 | 사이버백화점 | 기사제보 | 취재의뢰 | 광고신청 | 우리동네소식 | 업체등록
e광진의소리 | 인터넷신문사업등록 : 서울특별시 아01391 | 사업자등록번호 : 634-55-00292 등록일자 2018년10월08일
발행인 겸 편집인 : 유윤석 | 편집국장 : 유윤석 청소년지도담당:윤태한 광고 및 기사제보 : 010-4858-0954
주소 : 서울시 광진구 뚝섬로30길 21-7.104호 | 대표전화 : (02) 444-2622